
Our Services

We offer fractional CFO services for small businesses positioning for founder exit or sale. We commit to long term engagements, specifically designed to transition you from just business success into a transferrable value for someone else to run and manage. That takes time, but the increased value at sale makes that investment one of the smartest financial decisions you will make.

Quality Assurance

We are detail folks. Accuracy and compliance are just part of our meticulous nature. We will work with you to make sure your business data is actionable and enables the data driven decision making that is so critical to positioning for founder exit and sale.

Client Satisfaction

At Remco Ventures LLC, we are working shoulder to shoulder with owners on a key milestone event for their business. If we were are not on the same page, we cannot get you there. Your exit should be fulfilling and joyful, and our support to get you there demands you feel more than satisfied with our services.


Melinda earned her MSBA in Business Analysis in 2000, and has applied that knowledge to hundreds of small businesses since. Melinda knows her numbers, and she also has a deep understanding about how small businesses work, how they succeed, and how to get them to the next level.

Technology Forward

We love smart automations and the joys that technology can bring. By staying up-to-date with the technology trends and tools, we ensure that our clients find efficient, effective ways to deliver their value. Technology used appropriately truly will make you more profitable.

Timely Delivery

We understand the importance of meeting deadlines and how business works. With Remco Ventures LLC, you can trust that we will be there when you need us. Our deliverables get done when we say they will. We are in it to win it with you.

Let’s connect!